Security – How to deal with hacker attacks?

Hacker attacks, fraud, blackmail … all terms that are constantly in the news.

The big question is: How to deal with hacker attacks?

You are probably well aware of the annoyance caused by spam e-mails in your mailbox, where the unprofessional character is clear at first glance.

Never open attachments to e-mails and never click on links where the sender of the e-mail is not clear!

Check the actual sender address, which is sometimes hidden behind an e-mail address you know.

Do not bother with newsletter mailings that you have never ordered. Try the “unsubscribe function” for semi-trustworthy newsletters and never try to write back, as this only confirms that your e-mail address is being looked after and that you can be harassed. Delete the flood of unwanted messages, which will then usually stop by themselves at some point or be targeted by the spam filters on the mail servers.

What to do as a user in the event of hacker attacks

I would be happy to advise you on security issues and also train your employees to eliminate the most relevant problems.

My customers are repeatedly attacked by hackers and I am happy to leave some tips here.

– Protect your network (company/private) with a firewall and this in turn with a secure password.

– Remove the automatic logon to your computer and switch on a screen saver that can only be closed with the password.

– Update the operating system and programs at regular intervals to close security gaps.

– Always use secure passwords, document them and keep them in a safe place.

– Use special e-mail addresses for your online shopping activity, for your social media activity, newsletter registrations etc.

– Do not pass on your access data via insecure channels such as Facebook etc.

– Do not click on links in emails that take you to a login for a platform such as PayPal, Facebook, Xing, your bank or your email provider. Instead, enter the correct URL in your browser to access the relevant account. If something needs to be done, you will be notified in your account.

– Do not disclose personal data, data about your employer or other information where it is not really necessary.

The more the evolution of the internet progresses, the more all areas of our society are shifting into the digital world. As a result, the dark side of our world is constantly brought to our attention.

Is this worrying?

Yes, definitely!

Zeigen Sie Ihren Kunden, wer Sie sind. Erleben Sie diesen Prozess an meinem Beispiel.

Sie können die Automatisierung nützen, um Ihren Kunden Schritt für Schritt Einblicke in Ihr Unternehmen zu gewähren. Wenn Sie sich hier mit Ihrer E-Mail Adresse einschreiben, erhalten Sie im privaten Bereich über mehrere Tage per Mail kurze und nützliche Informationen zum Stand der Digitalisierung. Danach erreicht Sie mindestens einmal pro Woche Post von mir mit Tipps zum Umgang mit der Digitalisierung.

Are you currently the victim of a hacker attack?

Need help troubleshooting the mess the “burglars” have made?

If your website has been hacked, the first step is to take it offline. If you do not know how to do this yourself, contact your hosting provider immediately.

Get in touch with me. I will help you to eliminate the problems or to secure your systems in the best possible way.

Security precautions

Decision-makers are often just as negligent in their approach to safety as their employees, even though they should set a good example.

Unfortunately, many employees are still unaware that negligent use of computers at work can seriously jeopardize the company. The use of company devices in public networks is even more precarious. Careless and naive people are used for attacks.

I advise you on safety measures

In addition to these basic rules, I offer professional security consulting as well as the implementation of security concepts for SMEs.

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