Your employees are your capital. Work on team building.

If they are allowed to take part in coaching and further training, they become part of the change process. This promotes ideas, motivation, loyalty and team building.

See your employees not as human resources but as HUMAN CAPITAL

Don’t allow rifts to develop between employees in your company!

The older generation has a different attitude to work than the millennials. Women have a different place in our society today than they did 10 years ago.

The will to change is not dependent on age!

Issues such as security, fear of failure, insecurity when using the Internet and many more are crucial.

The millennial generation wants a better and happier life! Women and men are increasingly demanding models of part-time work in order to be able to live modern forms of partnerships and raise children. Today, you can score far more points with these topics than with an enforced employee event. At the same time, by being accommodating and offering modern forms of work, you will achieve a high level of loyalty, as there are still very few companies that offer such ideas.

Why not ask your employees what they are missing and how they can be helped? Of course, no one should be afraid of losing their job, otherwise you won’t get honest answers!

The uncertainty is great!

Workers all over the world are insecure and afraid of not knowing what lies ahead. That is why they are taking to the streets and demonstrating.

Are the scientific statements that 50% of all jobs will disappear in 20 years correct?

Personally, I see a trend towards more jobs being created in the long term! When you consider the problems we are facing due to social inequality, global warming, pollution and the ageing of our population, this becomes relatively obvious.

Nevertheless, at least 50% of current jobs are likely to be replaced. New job descriptions are emerging. We have to be prepared to constantly develop and learn throughout our lives.

This major change as a mix between globalization and digitalization is a huge challenge for everyone! Both for you as a manager and for every employee as well as for the school and parents!

Work on team building and offer a learning environment in which you can develop together. Be a role model!

Fair dismissals!

Nobody likes to talk about redundancies. However, if employees can no longer do the new work, help them to find a new place in the company. This will be easier for each individual if you have already created a basis for rethinking your workforce.

Coaching & Workshops

Various basic approaches have proven to be helpful. This requires basic knowledge that is generally lacking in our society.

I teach these and adapt my information to the knowledge of the workshop participants at any time.

Choose from the following topics:

– What is disruption?
– Where is the trend in digital transformation heading?
– What does sharing economy mean?
– What does IoT mean?
– What is the function of a modern website?
– What are different income streams?
– What is email marketing?
– What is affiliate marketing?
– What is a sales funnel?
– How are modern products built?

– How is an upsale constructed for products?
– What is a customer journey?
– How can Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn be used optimally?
– What does the YouTube algorithm do?

– What is the importance of video in modern marketing?
– What is artificial intelligence and where can it be used?

– What does big data mean?
– How is personal data handled sensibly and in compliance with the law?
– How can advertising be placed on Google, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram?
– How does retargeting work?

– What does a personal profile and a company profile look like on social media?
– How do I behave to ensure the greatest possible safety for myself and the company?
– What is blockchain and what are digital currencies?

– How can a team or group build power online through collaboration?
– What does agility mean for projects and their implementation?

I work interactively in coaching sessions and workshops and am happy to answer questions directly from the group.

Call me for detailed information.
+41 79 472 77 44

The implementation plan takes us from concept to practice.

Your vision is clear. I work with you to develop the path to your goal. You need a plan that takes into account the current situation in your company and can be implemented in practice.

It may be that the analysis of the current situation and the creative process reveal that, in extreme cases, your existing business has to be completely shut down and a new one set up.

Take Apple as an example. Apple has grown exorbitantly in the last 12 years thanks to the iPhone as a box office hit. Apple is aware of this and has started to develop digital services (iTunes streaming and Apple TV as well as Apple Pay) in parallel with its traditional offering. Only time will tell whether this new offering can save the technology giant from a drastic downsizing. Digital disruption does not stop at the big players.

In my own company, I was forced to reduce it to almost zero and completely reorganize it. I did this without going bankrupt in order to preserve contracts and my documentary film. Now I am rebuilding it with completely new services and brands.

These 2 examples are totally different, but they are significant.

Disruption has always existed because the world is changing. The big difference today is the speed of change, which I believe will increase in the coming years.

I make it my task to actively advise companies in this process. The aim is to start making changes at an early stage.

From concept to practice – implementation in 5 steps

You don’t start on a greenfield site unless you are a startup. (For start-ups, all parts of the dismantling process are obviously omitted)

There is a deep chasm between the current status and the desired goal that needs to be bridged. Success stands and falls with the strategy of the feasibility of the individual steps in the implementation.

Each step should do 2 things to get from concept to practice.

Design the steps in such a way that they can be implemented.

  1. It should bring you closer to your goal
  2. It should take you further away from the current status

Step 1

Starting signal for change

Closer to the goal:

– Search and engagement of key leaders for the future positioning (internal and external)
– Elaboration and internal communication of the new product strategy and infrastructure
– Assignment for the evaluation and development of the system architecture
– Elaboration of the details for the time planning of the transformation

Away from the current status:

– Reduction of superfluous ballast and elimination of slow-moving items
– Retraining / internal redeployment of directly affected employees

Step 2

Pilot phase

Closer to the goal:

– Parallel development of pilot projects and a pilot infrastructure
– Creation of the retraining concept and internal redeployment
– Marketing preparations for the new offer
– Development of new contract structures

Away from the current status:

– Discontinuation of the expansion of old projects and infrastructure
– Reduction to contractually binding activities
– Adjustment of old contract structures
– Reduction of marketing for the offer to be replaced

Step 3

Official repositioning

Closer to the goal:

– Going live with new offering
– Information for regular customers and possibly preferential pricing
– Initial marketing and sales effort
– Expansion of infrastructure and further development of offering
– Team expansion and retraining measures

Away from the current status:

– Withdrawal of staff to the new areas where possible and plan for departures
– Further reduction of infrastructure to the bare essentials
– End of advertising of old products
– Proposals for regular customers for the transition

Step 4

Scaling – back on the road to success

Closer to the goal:

– Optimization of infrastructure and systems
– Optimization of the new offering
– Expansion and consolidation of the workforce in the new sectors
– Analysis of the development of the capital base
– Consolidation of market presence
– Analysis of acceptance and success

Away from the current status:

– Reduction of transitional solutions
– Further withdrawal of staff from old areas and solutions for departures

Step 5

Full throttle into the future – expanding our offering

Closer to the goal:

– Expansion of infrastructure and systems
– Expansion and further conversion of the
offering – Optimization

Away from the current status:

– Reduction of the old infrastructure to the bare essentials
– Appreciation of the employees who are willing to ensure the continued operation of the old infrastructure
– Clear plan for eliminating the legacy

Call me for help with change planning.
+41 79 472 77 44

Why is it so important that customers are at the center of corporate strategy?

Customers are and remain people. The customer should be at the center of communication and the offer.

Even in the B2B environment, always remember that there is a person behind every contact.

How do I put the customer at the center?

People buy from people with whom they perceive similarities and trust.

This is only partially dependent on intellectual understanding. We are much more complex beings. We identify ourselves through eye contact, facial expressions, the tone in our voices, images that awaken memories in us, feelings that we experience and much more.

In the age of social media, we create networks and can find out very specifically what moves our fellow human beings and in which environment they move. Our customers are people and they want to communicate about their topics. The business world (B2B), especially at work, is only a small part of what moves us.

Stop blasting traditional advertising in your customers’ faces. This can be done better, more efficiently and more cost-effectively today.

Mass advertising via TV commercials, posters, newspaper advertisements etc. is expensive and usually inefficient.

By calling random people from a telephone list, you are more likely to annoy potential customers. You are not giving them the choice to decide on something.

The “customer journey”

Take the customer on a virtual journey!

How would you treat a friend? Pick him/her up at home in the vehicle he/she wants. This is not always a limousine. It can also be a skateboard or a bicycle.

Go surfing, to yoga, to a children’s birthday party, to play golf, to a cultural event, to a football match, to the mountains or wherever your customer wants to go. You know these wishes, because nowadays everyone publishes their photos or thoughts somewhere on the Internet.

It takes some effort to build this personal communication. However, with this approach you largely bypass the competition and reduce advertising costs.

Give potential customers the chance to choose your product or service for themselves.

The communication system

We all consume information in different forms. Visually, as audio or as text!

Every social media platform has its own characteristics. We intuitively find ourselves in a different emotional situation depending on how we use it.

On LinkedIn, the doctor is the professional Dr. F. Müller. On Facebook, he is simply Fabian and shares his passion for airplanes. On Instagram he shares photos of his kids, on YouTube he watches videos about his hobby, model flying, and at breakfast he reads the NZZ online to catch up on the latest news.

He doesn’t want to see any direct advertising for medical devices on Facebook, just as he doesn’t want to see any on Instagram. This only reminds him of work. He actually wants to relax at this moment.

The challenge for you as a company: On each platform, you provide the customer with information in such a way that he or she feels picked up and understood at that moment.

Brand versus product

In the long term, your brand should be the focus!

In many situations, your first priority should be to position your brand. Here, too, customers should be at the center of the corporate strategy.

The best example is probably Red Bull. Red Bull owes its success first and foremost to its involvement in extreme sports. The brand is prominently positioned at a wide variety of events. Although the sale of the drink is omnipresent, it is never the focus of communication, except in the amusing advertising, where all kinds of things are given wings.

With its brand advertising and events, Red Bull is moving beyond traditional drinks advertising. The drink has become particularly popular with the young target audience, as this customer group identifies with these events.

Make your existing customers HAPPY

Many companies are only using part of the potential of online communication. Provide your existing customers with interspersed information about your brand. Later on, you will have the customer’s acceptance that he/she will tolerate advertising campaigns for your products and, at best, respond to them.

Example Swiss:

I constantly receive a newsletter from Swiss in which several products are advertised each time. I delete the newsletter immediately!

It would look quite different if Swiss were to deliver 5 newsletters with interesting information on the state of aviation, videos with airplanes, a presentation of the airport expansion in Zurich, etc. in between, and then advertise a single product in detail in a special campaign.

Conclusion: Take the time to show your customers your best side. Don’t chase the sale! The customer doesn’t care if you have to make a profit. They are not a bag of money to be squeezed.

Don’t just deliver your own product

Of course your product should be the focus.

However, if you know that your customers need things that you cannot supply, you have the option of selling products from other manufacturers and perhaps even competitors in return for a commission.

You may even be able to give others the opportunity to trade in your own products.


I am there for my customers. Give me a call.
+41 79 472 77 44

Based on the analysis of the current situation, creativity is activated to initiate change.


Think big!

Formulate your wishes!

Formulate ideas that you have been carrying around with you for a long time!


Do you believe that change is possible?

What do you want to achieve in the near and distant future?

Do you even want to continue operating the business model as before?

Do you need a breath of fresh air in management?

What ideas are lying dormant among your employees?

What does your partner think about what you do?

Who supports your initiatives?

What technology would help you?

Do you need a different capital base?

Since my first steps as an entrepreneur, I have been constantly changing

Times are changing. Looking back to my beginnings in 2004, the path was characterized by constant change.

I tested various business models, learned continuously and gained insight into different industries as an IT consultant. This era of digital transformation allows me to combine my passions for business, technology, visuals and creativity.

The digital transformation poses major problems for the majority of employees and companies. In future, it will be necessary to act faster and faster. We need to constantly educate ourselves. The saying “adapt or die” is a very accurate description of the current changes.

Be courageous and open to change!

Many people will lose their traditional jobs over the next few years and will have to help themselves. The online market is global. Anyone can participate in it. This is not easy. After an initial drastic rethink, applicable concepts are needed that are becoming more and more established.

I offer solutions to these problems!

– As a transformation consultant, I offer my services to companies in German-speaking countries under the brand

– As a coach, I offer training in the areas of personal transformation and entrepreneurship under the brand

Subscribe to my newsletter on this website. I am constantly working on new solutions and products myself and provide information about successful strategies.

What problem are you solving in our society?

The aim of this step is to stimulate creativity in thinking. This is often blocked by fear of change. People are often so involved in daily business that there is no time or energy left.

Our society has major problems to solve at national and international level. What real problems do you want to solve? What contribution can you make?

Take the lead! Now more than ever, we need people and companies to take the lead and set a good example.

Get active!

Definition of the vision and mission


Vision is a difficult term to grasp. It is about “seeing”, about an “outlook”.

What do you “see” for your company? What do you want it to achieve in the short and long term?

Have you formulated your vision for your company at all or is it simply an advertising slogan on your website?

The vision statement should motivate you, your employees, shareholders and customers again and again to complete the tasks of your daily work in order to achieve your goals. It defines the meaning of a company. In the same way, it defines the meaning for the employee to work for a company. Some entrepreneurs want to operate in a small and close environment, others want to change the whole world and think globally.

In today’s world, a vision can become reality relatively quickly. In the course of global change, it seems sensible to think in terms of 5-10 years. At certain intervals, it should be reconsidered whether and to what extent the vision has changed and whether it is still valid.

I am of the opinion that the vision should also be reconsidered when there are changes in management. A new member of management brings new ideas and only identifies with the vision of a predecessor to a limited extent. Especially when it comes to succession planning, I consider it immensely important to achieve the greatest possible identification of a successor and to reassess the vision.

What is your company’s place in the economy?


What is the general objective of your company’s activities?

In contrast to the vision, the mission is closer to the present and describes, so to speak, the plan for HOW the goal defined in the vision is to be achieved.

The mission statement shows your customers, employees, shareholders and yourself how you want to achieve your vision, your goal. As an abstract definition, it leaves room to be creative and tackle new things. This is crucial in today’s digital age.

A mission should be lived together today. Don’t work it out for yourself in a quiet little room and then impose it on everyone else. Involve your employees in the process.

I support you with impulses and critical questions to eliminate old patterns and create space for new possibilities.

The more the vision and mission correspond to your life, your wishes and your philosophies, the easier it will be for you to inspire your employees and present your company to your customers.

I support you with various techniques to reinvent yourself.

The brand is created from the vision and mission. This process will show whether your brand should be modernized, completely revised or retained.

Call me when you are ready for change.
+41 79 472 77 44

The first thing I do is carry out an ACTUAL analysis. It is important to take a close look during this time of major change.

Your company has grown over the years. It has not necessarily moved to where you originally envisioned it. Perhaps it has grown too quickly and you have not found the time or resources to reorganize it. Projects and customer requirements often dictate the direction and, especially in these times of digital transformation, it is infinitely important to take a step back from the action.

Critically scrutinizing and, if necessary, completely realigning yourself is more relevant than ever in order to create and achieve new milestones!

From the outside, I see your company differently than you do.

As an external consultant, I analyse your brand, your products and services as well as processes and systems with a focus on the current changes of digital transformation and globalization.

You are an expert in your industry and know your customers inside out.

– What are you already doing right?
– Will your business model still be needed in the future?
– How high is the cluster risk and do we need more diversification?
– What additional products and services could complement your offering?
– Where do you see the opportunities for innovation?
– Can your employees support a change with their skills and training?
– What is the competition doing?
– Is there a disruptor on the horizon that will completely shake up your products and services?
– How quickly is change progressing in your sector?
– Do you have to completely reorient yourself?
– Does your company need a new form of cooperation between generations and genders?
– What possible collaborations are within reach?

What does my work look like for you?

A theoretical analysis merely helps to ease your conscience. I will ask you and your employees in detail. I need your clear commitment for this.

The more relevant documents you submit to me for inspection, the more my analysis will correspond to reality.

External consultants can unsettle employees. I am aware of this, as well as the confidentiality of the information you provide me with. I formulate questions accordingly. I try to pick up hidden ideas and criticisms and create anonymity if necessary.

In most cases, it is not only employees who are affected by restructuring and optimization. The company’s shareholders also have an idea of where the journey should go. It is therefore important to have all parties on board.

As the analysis progresses, I will need feedback from you in order to self-critically question my objectivity.

What will you receive from me?

My aim is to provide you with an analysis of the current situation. This should help you to quickly obtain an overview yourself so that you can present it to shareholders and stakeholders. On the other hand, it is important to take stock in order to be able to compare the changes introduced with the current actual situation at a later date and to track progress.

It makes sense for you to receive the following documents from me:
(Depending on size, complexity and type, the delivery objects may vary).

– A manageable analysis document of approx. 20 pages
– A presentation with the most important results of the analysis

Depending on the task and the level of abstraction of the analysis, I draw various diagrams to express the recorded situation in a visually understandable way.

I am flexible. You decide how much time you want to spend on the analysis. Under no circumstances should the analysis phase block the creation of new perspectives and the subsequent necessary changes. Weigh things up, because investing too little time in analyzing the current situation can pay off in retrospect.

Presenting the analysis

The analysis only becomes really valuable when I explain the results to you in detail. In any case, this should first be done on a small and familiar scale. In this way, a healthy balance can be found as to which direction internal communication should take.

As soon as this is achieved, I will be happy to present the results of the analysis in a presentation.

However, it would be better if you were to present the analysis yourself in order to show your employees your leadership once again. I will of course be happy to support you at any time.

Give me a call if you need an external assessment.
+41 79 472 77 44